Real World

In a Christian school, our children are not being sheltered from the
"real world". What is the "real world" anyway? What is ultimately
How I view reality, how I view truth, and how I view values determines
my perspective on education. My metaphysical (what is ultimately real),
my epistemological (what is truth), and my axiological positions (what
are my values) are contrary to this present world and its secular mind-set.
To me as a Christian parent, the real world is God-centred, God-created,
and God controlled
"For from Him and through Him and to
Him are all things... Romans 11:36
Therefore, for our children, an introduction to the "real world
begins with an introduction to its Creator. According to John 14:6 Jesus
Christ is the key to education. "I am
the way, and the truth, and the life..
As Christian parents, we long to prepare our children to weather the
demands of life. When the weather outside is harsh, as parents we send
our children out with the right clothing. The right education is like
the right clothing for our children. Our children need to be equipped
for the unpredictable weather of a complex world. If they can learn
in a climate of strong Christian values and a Christ-centred curriculum,
they can be thoroughly equipped - well dressed. Christian school education
is preparation to weather the demands of life.